
Self-Hosted GitHub Runners: My Journey to Reproducible Test Environments

September 27, 2024

Grazper, the company I work for, has recently decided to use GitHub as our developer platform. Perhaps because I don’t know how to say no, or maybe because my subconscious has a deep-dark love for DevOps, I took the lead on the whole migration and set up all our infrastructure around GitHub Actions. This is a summary of my journey so far, with the hiccups I’ve encountered along the way.

Sync an Android phone’s system clock to a computer’s clock using ADB

October 23, 2022

So I’ve lately been trying to synchronize an Android phone’s clock to the computer clock, and it has turned out to be quite a headache to get it working correctly. In this blog post, I’ll describe my findings and hustles in case you need something similar. Hopefully, it will save you several hours of work and your boss will be happier than mine. Anyways, let’s get to it:

I wanted the phone’s system clock to be synchronized to a Linux computer’s with an error of ± 10 milliseconds. However, I’m pretty sure you can get something similar working on Mac or even a Windows machine with some tweaking. In the latter, you might need to install the Windows subsystem for Linux. You can find all the code from this tutorial on my GitHub.